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Teaching & LearningCollaborate to Create Community
What constitutes a generative ecology for deep learning? In this blog, Royce talks about how school leaders at all scales can set conditions for deep learning ecologies.
Teaching & LearningCollaborate to Create Community
Consider the best training session you ever attended. What made it so good? What constitutes a good training/learning experience for you? In this week's article, Royce Holladay talks about the patterns that set the conditions for deep learning.
Teaching & LearningBuild Adaptive Capacity
You live and work in turbulent times. You face wide-ranging change in many areas. Increasing contact with diverse individuals brings new perspectives. Decisions grow more difficult. Underlying dynamics create massive interdependencies. Almost every challenge emerges from multiple possible causes. In all parts of your life, you recognize a swirl of uncertainty. The organizations where you work, play, and worship experience uncertainty of membership, funding, and focus.
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