Adaptive Action

Adaptive Action is an iterative, deceptively simple planning process that allows you to move forward in uncertainty. When you feel like you cannot move forward because you don't know what to do, you can always use Adaptive Action to identify your next wise action.


Using Adaptive Action you ask three questions. What? helps you name patterns of interaction and decision making that shape success. So what? helps you make sense of those patterns. Now what? helps you inform action to influence yourself and your team toward greater fit, success, and sustainability.

So What?

In a complex world, you don't always see all that shapes the patterns around you. Adaptive Action gives you a way to see deeply into your world to understand the conditions that shape those patterns. You may work in an organization where the culture is toxic with competitive and hidden agendas. Adaptive Action gives you a path toward understanding the conditions that shape those patterns, and insights into potential actions to influence new patterns to shift the culture.

Every day you are challenged by sticky issues questions with no answers. Problems that defy solution and recurring entanglements hold you in a limbo of indecision. Adaptive Action can move you forward by reminding you to look at the dynamics of your world to understand what is and to inform your next wise action.

Now What?

Use Adaptive Action in your next sticky issue to:

  • See the patterns in the challenges you face.
  • Understand the dynamics that shape those patterns.
  • Take wise action to more toward greater coherence and sustainability.

Related Resources

Rooted in the study of chaos and complexity, Adaptive Action introduces a simple, common-sense process that will guide you and your organization into reflective action.
Adaptive Action is as powerful as it is simple. Three questions help you make progress on intractable issues.