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Why does change seem so hard? Maybe the reason is simple: While the change pathway or plan can be fairly simple, the actual path of each change is unique.
Those of us who make our livings as teachers don’t like to admit it, but that is how most complex skills are developed—in real-world practice.
In today’s blog, Royce shares a brief memoir she recently wrote, along with a poem that was inspired as she reflected on that story this week, on Memorial Day here in the USA.
August 3, 2023 Change is perpetual in a complex system, so your response must be perpetual, too. What worked yesterday will probably not meet the same needs in an emergent future. Because of the inevitability of change, you must develop resilience that serves you across time and challenge. We see resilience as finding what is fit for function now and in an emerging future, not returning to some earlier state of happy equilibrium.  In this Live Virtual Workshop, you will learn some simple rules for finding adaptive responses to help you thrive in unpredictable and inevitable change.
Lead in Complexity
I spent part of last week at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Vancouver, BC.  I enjoyed seeing old friends and making new ones.  It was particularly interesting to dive—however briefly—into the deep waters of the academy. There was much to learn.
A few years ago I was doing some informal coaching as a colleague was going through significant life transitions. She wanted help thinking about possibilities and directions as she stepped into new areas of work.
Our thanks to Anne Lemaire, an HSD Associate living in Brussels, for this French description of Adaptive Action. Le Planning d’Action Adaptative est une methode de plannification itérative qui comprend trois questions: Action Adaptive Planning is an iterative method of planning which includes three questions: Le Planning d’Action Adaptative est une methode de plannifi cation itérative qui comprend trois questions:
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