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Build Adaptive Capacity
What can you do when you can’t predict or control change in a complex system? Glenda’s description and explanation make it clear—join the Adaptive Action Lab she offers with Stewart Wallis to learn what you can do!
Teaching & Learning
invest many hours and hopes in online communication.  My guess is that you do, too.  Virtual connections open any-time and any-where networks for thinking and action.  They create opportunities for creative engagement with people around the world.
Those of us who make our livings as teachers don’t like to admit it, but that is how most complex skills are developed—in real-world practice.
October 5, 2023 In times of chaos and confusion, a good question will serve you much better than any answer. Answers shift and deceive, while questions keep you open to learning and adaptation. In this workshop, Glenda explores two powerful practices that will help you and your teams stay in adaptive inquiry. This virtual workshop is for anyone who is ready to thrive in whatever future emerges.
Build Adaptive Capacity
“How do I help other people use the tools and perspectives of human systems dynamics (HSD) if they’ve never heard of it, or if they do not know much about Pattern Logic or complex change?“
Lead in Complexity
I spent part of last week at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Vancouver, BC.  I enjoyed seeing old friends and making new ones.  It was particularly interesting to dive—however briefly—into the deep waters of the academy. There was much to learn.
Why does change seem so hard? Maybe the reason is simple: While the change pathway or plan can be fairly simple, the actual path of each change is unique.
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