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March 21, 2019 This is our Annual Meeting. Join us for this celebration of HSD Institute's 16 years of service and development in the field of human systems dynamics. Royce Holladay, Director of Services for HSDI, will speak about the institute, and our HSD Associates, Wendy Morris, Allison Titcomb, Mary Nations, and Erin Lewis, will share how they are using HSD in their work, in their homes, or in their communities.
March 7, 2019 You need new beliefs and expectations to thrive—even to survive—in today’s complex world. When you step beyond what “used to work,” you find breakthrough ways to solve the new problems you face. When you embrace a new perspective, you step into a new paradigm. HSD gives simple, step-by-step guides for living into a new, complex, future-oriented paradigm. As new paradigms emerge, they help us to understand old challenges in different ways. We find new approaches and solutions to the challenges that seemed intractable in the old paradigm. Standing in the new paradigm, many of the old beliefs and expectations no longer hold, and new perspectives emerge. We see this phenomenon in the 21st century as human systems are forced to remain productive in a world of complex patterns of interaction, decision making, and change. In this Live Virtual Workshop, Glenda Eoyang outlines a bold new paradigm to help you thrive in the reality of your emerging future.
February 7, 2019 Today, all over the world, you see rising patterns of partisanship and nationalism. Even if they don’t affect you today, these trends may transform your future. HSD helps you see and respond to patterns of politics in novel and useful ways. Our models and methods generate patterns of engagement and abundance to help you connect and thrive in spite of forces that seek to divide and conquer. Historically, humans have experienced periods when authoritarian power was on the rise, marginalizing or even eliminating opposing or dissident voices. One way these leaders influenced others was to create a sense of tension. Autocrats use stories and innuendo to make their followers believe there are “others” plotting to take away their assets, their power, or their privilege. These leaders build walls—literally and figuratively—that divide, so they can conquer. They use propaganda to spread a narrative of impending doom and fear. In this Live Virtual Workshop, Glenda Eoyang talks about using Adaptive Action to help you step into your next wise action in the face of the propaganda of authoritarianism in your neighborhood, around your community, and across your nation.
December 20, 2018 Join us to hear HSD Professionals share their HSD stories about how they use HSD principles, models, and methods to change their worlds every day.
December 6, 2018 Tomorrow rushes toward you, sometimes faster than the speed of thought. You don’t know what to pay attention to. You don’t know what to ignore? How can you inoculate yourself against being overwhelmed by the rate of change? HSD helps you catch your own “case” of Incurable Curiosity. Inquire deeply into the present so you can prepare for the future.
November 1, 2018 There are areas of life where you feel hemmed in by boundaries: this neighborhood, this family, this community, this job. Life is shaped by the containers that define you—or did at one time. These containers provide safety, and yet, part of you wants to break free. How can you maintain the safety of the familiar, as you explore freedom of the unknown? HSD offers practices for balancing freedom and safety so you can choose.
October 4, 2018 You are encouraged to innovate, yet you are held to high standards. You are asked to stretch the boundaries, but then get second-guessed when you do. Goals about innovation are often outweighed by the culture of the organization. On the one side, you invite risk; on the other you avoid it. How can you resolve this conundrum that creates dissonance at all scales of your life? HSD helps you balance rules and expectations with innovation to create workplaces and communities of the future.
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