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Build Adaptive Capacity
“Nothing is Intractable.” That’s the tagline on the HSD website. It’s the footer in our stationery. It’s on the first slide of every PowerPoint deck we create. We believe it’s true. And we continue to get questions about how that’s possible when life is so complex.  
Teaching & LearningPlan in Uncertainty
December 4, 2014 What? challenges are woven into assessing complex learning? So what? evidence of those patterns affects HSD Professional Certification? Now what? have we done to respond? And Now what? questions remain?
Build Adaptive Capacity
I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it. —Pablo Picasso                                                                                                    
Teaching & LearningBuild Adaptive Capacity
There are many kinds of tension that play out inside any human system. In this blog post, Royce uses the HSD-based definition of tension to 1) identify four particular types of tension; 2) describe their sources and potential impacts; and 3) suggest ways leaders can use Pattern Logic and Adaptive Action to leverage tension for the greater good.
Build Adaptive Capacity


Inquiry is about questions. It is approaching every interaction, every situation, every opportunity with questions about what can be learned in this moment, in this situation, with this person. In the emergent, unpredictable world of complex systems, inquiry is the only way you can move forward.
October 7, 2021 We live in a world that is uncertain and unpredictable. We see individuals, families, communities floundering as they deal with today’s challenges: Encounter forces they can’t predict, control, or even imagine Face a broadly diverse range of experiences, individuals, and opportunities that are often contradictory and confusing Experience that their lives are entangled with others’ decisions and actions Watch this webinar to learn about specific competencies required to thrive in such a world. We will explore what we need to learn for ourselves; to teach our children; to encourage our employees; and to connect with our neighbors and our larger communities.
May 3, 2018 Culture is complex, but culture change calls for simple action. You respond to questions, challenges, innovations, and ideas in ways that shape new patterns of thought and action. How can you learn this dance that lets you shift in the moment? How can you use cycles of inquiry and action to keep moving forward? HSD opens opportunities for culture change. Learn Adaptive Action to shape the cultural patterns you want.
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