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Simple Rules are agreements that inform behavior, so a diverse group can function as one. They set conditions that shape the emergent patterns as a group self-organizes. The rules may emerge from covert or overt agreements among the players, and they inform decisions and actions to create coherence across the whole.
Teaching & LearningCollaborate to Create Community
When Glenda Eoyang, Founder and Executive Director of Human Systems Dynamics Institute, invited me to co-facilitate an HSD Adaption Action Lab focused on transcending racism and “othering,” I immediately said yes for a couple of irresistible reasons.
June 22, 2023 HSD Community Commons met to hear Janice Ryan share her "HSD Journey" and how she has continued to learn more about HSD, even as she has used it to build her practice with people who have dementia and with divergent learners. Her story is a powerful one and is captured in this video.  In the session, Glenda Eoyang, founder of the field of Human Systems Dynamics and Executive Director of the HSD Institute talked about the next phase of growth and development in the field. She talked about upcoming changes and efforts to strengthen the HSD network beyond the dependence on the HSD Institute. Listen to her compelling story and consider how you might step in to help frame the next steps.
Teaching & Learning
June 5, 2014 Glenda Eoyang explores four questions, relative to training ROI: What? is the process of learning in a complex system? What? is the value of learning in a complex system? So what? is the return on investment? Now what? can you do to realize ROI?
Build Adaptive Capacity
In today’s blog post, Glenda Eoyang explores options for action when we feel stuck with the challenges we face in the world today.
GovernmentCollaborate to Create Community
Conflict is described in many ways. I offer here my own description of conflict in three parts: 1) Conflict is where past and future meet, 2) Conflict is learning, 3) Conflict is a complex dynamic. With each part, I offer a link to the elements of HSD thought that best connect with my description, and I provide simple questions to help readers apply the theory in practical ways.
March 4, 2021 In today’s world, you can’t always know what’s next. In fact, sometimes, given the complexity of our world, you can’t even know much about what’s now! At any given moment, about all you can see is this moment. All you can explore is what you know. How do you learn to question what you can’t see and find out more about what you don’t know? How can you use the HSD’s practices of inquiry? Ask questions that help you see into the dynamics of the world around you Engage others in individual and group inquiries using these perspectives Experience the benefits of engaging in inquiry in today’s turbulent and uncertain landscape Join us to explore this new way of stepping into questions that open a world of possibility to you. In human systems dynamics, we learn to stand in inquiry to see patterns clearly, seek to understand, and act with courage in the face of uncertainty and turbulence.
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