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Build Adaptive Capacity
In our electronically networked world, change is constant. Everything from day-to-day experiences to global upheaval touches our lives and brings new challenges and opportunities. How do you cope in a world where it sometimes feels like there’s nothing you can count on—except change? In HSD we help people understand the nature of complex change and build capacity to move forward when they can neither predict nor control the future.
September 1, 2022 Power of privilege shows up when people have the position, resources, and respect to take action for their own benefit. Power of possibility shows up when people use their stories, relationships, and personal identities to influence systems for themselves and others. Royce Holladay talks in this LVW about what might happen if we began to see and respond to such patterns with empathy and awareness. Learn about the Generative Engagement model and use it to take informed action to navigate differences that separate us today.
Build Adaptive Capacity
What’s the hidden challenge to changing patterns? In a year-long Adaptive Action project, we are exploring that question. Wonder what you might think about it?
Build Adaptive Capacity
In human systems dynamics (HSD), we define narrative as the essential message that sets forth patterns of discourse, decision making, and action for individuals, families, communities, organizations, and institutions. A clear narrative informs action to help create a path through uncertain and turbulent times. Read how the HSD narrative helped us navigate the challenges of lockdown and re-emergence in the times of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Manage Strategic Change
“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality.” ― Lao Tzu
Learn from the past. Take action in the present. Create the future. is a tagline we sometimes use in our documents and materials. As I think about sharing our new book, Adaptive Action: Leveraging Uncertainty in Your Organization, it seems critical that we continue to use this quick, accurate description of what we offer in our relationships--both long term and newly developing; both professional and personal.
Build Adaptive Capacity
To thrive in complexity you have to adapt—quickly and often! You can’t afford to wait for deep analysis or complete data. You don’t have time to take things apart, fix each piece, and put them back together. Even if you could, complex systems are massively entangled and emergent, so fixing parts may not fix the whole.
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