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143 Results
Collaborate to Create Community
October 6, 2016 Collaboration is easy to talk about—almost everyone does—but it is not so easy to do. Internally and externally, all groups sing the praises of collaboration. They see the potential to create a whole that is greater than the sum of the parts. Sadly, lived reality is often different. Resources and hopes are invested, and the shared effort falls short.  Learn how to see, understand, and influence the conditions so shape successful collaborations in your team, organization, or community.
Collaborate to Create Community
September 1, 2016 Bureaucracy was an inspired invention, when government was out of control, and graft and corruption reigned supreme. Today, though, public policy innovation is strangled by the inertia of bureaucratic politics and regulations. The structures that generate silos of funding and function are barriers to innovation for the common good. On the other hand, powerful personal interests are eager to step in wherever government constraints are lifted. Explore how we can set conditions to guarantee work toward common goods without the waste and frustration of locked-in structures of governance.
Manage Strategic Change
August 4, 2016 Change is changing. Change initiatives with pre-determined goals and predictable processes seldom get off the ground or crash soon after takeoff.  We will offer an alternative that creates a path for change as you and your organization walk it.  The disciplines of Adaptive Action and Pattern Logic help leverage the assets of the system and generate change that is flexible and sustainable. Build your adaptive capacity and create a unique and emerging path toward the change you envision.
June 16, 2016 Glenda Eoyang talks about the "Next Generation of HSD" and shares a new suite of illustrations for HSD-based models and methods. She also announces the Adaptive Action Laboratories, the new instructional/experiential offering from HSD Institute. David Harris discusses his use of HSD to respond to challenging questions. Anne Lemair talks about using Radical Inquiry and being present to dynamical systems as she guides a walking tour in her community. Renae Rebechini talks about her use of HSD to support negotiations in a school district as they attempt to heal after a painful strike in their last trip to the table. Judy Oakden discusses her use of Simple Rules to generate evaluation rubrics.
Teaching & Learning
June 2, 2016 There are many great ideas for excellent teaching and learning. From communities of practice to problem-based learning, if you can imagine it, there is an instructional “solution” to match your view. The challenge is that none of these strategies is always the right fit. Each one is excellent for some topics, in some situations, with some learners, but none is fit for all. Explore universal questions that lead to specific answers for unique learners in complex environments.
Build Adaptive Capacity
May 12, 2016 In a world of surprise and rapid change, innovation becomes a survival strategy. Successful groups continually create new solutions to emerging challenges.  When you can see patterns beyond your own bias and understand them from multiple perspectives, you are prepared to take courageous action to create the future you choose for yourself and others.
Health CareBuild Adaptive Capacity
April 14, 2016 Traditional paradigms of health and care have helped cure many ills and revealed others. The challenge of tomorrow is to take Adaptive Action to see and shift patterns of intractable health challenges, and to address all these issues cost-effectively and sustainably. Listen to the recording to hear stories of transformation that demonstrate a new paradigm and its potential to heal the hurt in systems of health and health care.
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