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March 17, 2016 At this, the Annual Meeting of the HSD Institute, Glenda provides her annual update of the work and progress of the Institute. Barrett Horne talks about using narratives for data collection. Mary McEathron and Lecia Grossman discuss creating a local study group of HSD Associates. (This event was recorded as a Quarterly Associates Meeting.)
Lead in Complexity
March 3, 2016 Glenda Eoyang explores leadership in complex systems: What? is the responsibility of a leader in a complex and uncertain environment? So what? practices support leaders’ Adaptive Action? Now what? can you do to lead more effectively and support others, too?
Build Adaptive Capacity
February 4, 2016 Glenda Eoyang explores the cause of intractable challenges and identifies three conditions for finding your way through the intractability today and tomorrow: Adaptive Action, Pattern Logic, and Inquiry.
December 17, 2015 Glenda Eoyang talks about Adaptive Action inside the Institute. Stewart Mennin and Mary Nations update the Network on the outcomes of their HSD-based leadership program for health systems. Heather Oxman shares her HSD story: HSD social media future.
Build Adaptive Capacity
December 3, 2015 Glenda Eoyang talks about aging and how we move through the aging process in a complex adaptive system. She describes the steps of iterative cycles of Adaptive Action: What? generates energy in the patterns of a complex adaptive system? So what? are those patterns in personal experience of physical, emotional, mental, social change? Now what? can we do to use this information to age gracefully?
Build Adaptive Capacity
November 5, 2015 Glenda Eoyang uses Adaptive Action to engage viewers in a discussion about emotional knowing. What? Difference generates tension. Tension generates energy. Energy generates change. So what? Notice and understand patterns of tension in self. Identify options for action. Now what? Find your own best wise action.
Manage Strategic Change
October 8, 2015 Glenda Eoyang takes the viewers into an exploration of the meaning of heterarchical change. What? is heterarchical change? So what? does leadership in heterarchy require? Now what? can you do to foster heterarchical change in your community?
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