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Business & IndustryBuild Adaptive Capacity
Working in conflict resolution, I get to hear a lot of stories about why some individual or group is worthy of being hated. Without a doubt, these stories are often bolstered by pulse-raising examples with the potential to provoke even the most skilled facilitative mediators into an evaluative stance. At the same time, beyond these stories lay patterns, many of which shed light on the dynamics of why we hate. In my observations, there are three main reasons we hate others.
November 5, 2020 Some people find meaning in the daily rush of information. They can focus and concentrate. They find the needles in haystacks and diamonds in the rough. While some people have a gift for meaning making and seeing the bigger picture. Either is an asset, but the latter is less understood in today’s complex system of big data, conflicting perspectives, and competing tensions. In this session, learn tools and techniques as you navigate your way to meaning in a sea of data.
Build Adaptive Capacity
You will have to experiment and find things out for yourself and you will not be sure of what you are doing. That's all right, you are feeling your way into the thing. - Emily Carr
Teaching & LearningBuild Adaptive Capacity
As we engage learners in our certification training, two dimensions have emerged as indicators of the depth of new skill development – confidence and flexibility. We use these dimensions in pre- and post- self-assessments, asking the learners to indicate their perspectives about their own standing, relative to these dimensions.
September 3, 2020 Every complex system sits on top of irresolvable tensions:  speed and quality; identity and flexibility; tradition and innovation; centralized and distributed; and many more. We used to manage these tensions by tradeoffs and compromise, but that didn’t always work. As uncertainty and complexity grow, those tactics lose even more of their power. Instead, HSD helps you embrace underlying tensions to generate energy and opportunity. In this session, learn to use Interdependent Pairs to transform your dilemmas into possibilities. 
November 4, 2021 Creating and/or maintaining a strong community can be difficult when the world is changing as quickly and unpredictably as it is today. The current rate and degree of change bring pressure that increases the challenge at all scales. To connect with others and create strong, resilient communities, you have to be able to navigate the complexity of the 21st century. Address issues of power and collaboration Hold differences as you seek shared perspectives Engage everyone in authentic and reciprocal ways In this webinar you will learn a tool about engaging in generative ways that open space of innovation and connection in the midst of complex change. Use this tool to explore connections at all scales: interpersonal, organizational, and community.
October 6, 2022 We are connected to others in massively entangled networks of family, friendship, community, work, and social or political groups. These connections satisfy our social, intellectual, physical, and emotional needs. Often, however, we don’t recognize or leverage the potential of these networks. In today’s world, traditional networks are becoming less connected and new ones are emerging. These changing patterns matter because robust connections determine the strength of our responses in complex and unpredictable situations. Connections allows us to reach out, to build reciprocal relationships, to give and get access to limited resources. This is a moment of possibility, as new networks emerge and old ones disappear. We can choose to build or maintain connections that empower us and connect us in networks of mutual support. In this LVW, Glenda shares insights about establishing robust systems. Learn what it takes to build powerful connections that help reduce existential risks of living in today’s complex world.
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