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June 4, 2020 Individuals create political patterns for themselves and others. At the same time, the political patterns force individual choices and behaviors. That’s part of the complexity of living and working in complex systems. Whether you work with an underperforming employee, transform corporate culture, or advocate for social justice, you must understand the nature of emergent patterns before you can shift them. In this session, you will learn about powerful, destructive patterns that emerge in complex systems. At the same time, you’ll discover ways to understand and influence them as your future unfolds.
September 2, 2021 In the day-to-day challenges of life, we sometimes get caught up in the urgency of the moment, the fear of the future, and regrets of the past. We lose the connections between and among the parts of our life. Each piece begins to stand alone in its impact and challenge. In HSD we offer a path that allows you to celebrate your life’s experiences: Remain present to the daily demands and the larger realities that create the whole of your life Live in the now, with an eye to the future Remain aware of how today builds the life you want Watch this webinar to learn about games we all play that can hold us hostage to today or help us move through today’s challenges as we connect to our greater goals in life.
Business & IndustryBuild Adaptive Capacity
Change is always present, so building resilience is crucial. Stagnation is death, change is necessary for life. So then, too, developing resilience is necessary for life.
Health CarePlan in Uncertainty
In the 24/7, changing and complex world of healthcare, the only thing that remains static is the ironic certainty of constant change.
Manage Strategic Change
The problem is that we expect certainty and get surprise. Accountability, responsibility, performance, reliability, trust, quality—all these basic concepts of business require the insight to predict and the power to control.
June 7, 2018 Many people talk about diversity and inclusion. Too often those conversations don’t influence action in real life. What if you give up seeing “problems” of diversity? What if you learned to create “patterns” of inclusion? Adaptive Action and Pattern Logic help you understand patterns of bias, so you can create generative patterns of engagement.
March 5, 2020 You know your world is complex. It is easy to get overwhelmed and confused in the face of growing demands, shrinking resources, fluid boundaries, and invisible connection. Pattern Logic helps you see through the confusion into the deep dynamics that shape the complexity you face. Adaptive Action helps you act on what you see. When used together, these powerful tools reveal the simplicity that moves you through even in the most complex situations. Join this session to build your capacity to see and take action to influence the simple on the other side of the complex.
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