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September 17, 2015 Glenda  talks about how the HSD Network has evolved over time. Leslie Patterson and Lecia Grossman talk about their own HSD-based coaching models. Judy Tal and Sabine Amend discuss developments in their work on building an HSD Associates' HIVE for shared learning.
Build Adaptive Capacity
I have always been a bit skeptical about paths that promise personal transformation.  I’m not sure why.  Maybe I followed the promise one too many times—or one too few—and was disappointed.  Maybe it is because my family pattern grew out of Protestant Puritanism, where my individual, subjective state wasn’t considered all that interesting.
Plan in Uncertainty
One of my clients has discovered that great leaders have multiple personalities. They manage budgets and smooth feathers. They tell today’s stories and feed tomorrow’s visions. They plan and execute; reinforce and correct; encourage and challenge; create stability and manage change; hire and fire; and in their spare time, they do everything in between.
Manage Strategic Change
September 4, 2014 Glenda Eoyang talks about using HSD to design events. What? are the conditions for self-organizing, and how does your practice influence them? So what? are the effects of those conditions on meetings and events? Now what? planning template will help you set conditions for your next meeting or event?
December 3, 2013 In this year-end session, Glenda talks about HSD in the present and future. Griff Griffiths talks about Cocomotion, the consulting group he and colleagues are forming to coach non-profit leaders. Juli Rasmussen shared her HSD learning journey. Kristen Crusoe and Netti Garner discuss their use of HSD and Adaptive Action within a school of nursing. (This event was recorded as an Annual Meeting.)
Lead in Complexity
The statistics are shocking. Even good employees are dissatisfied and disengaged.  Organizations of all sizes and sectors recognize the problem.  The real problem, though, is that they don’t know what to do about it.  Surveys, rewards and recognition programs, gap analysis, and strategic plans uncover the deep discontent, but in most cases they do little to shift the pattern.  What will work?
August 3, 2017 When the world changes as quickly as it does today, what you knew for certain yesterday may or may not be true today. Yesterday’s answers are stale and inaccurate by the time the email is opened today. The best you can do when life is so uncertain is to stand in inquiry, using questions to learn more, to make meaning, to support your action, and even to question your own answers. In HSD we use Adaptive Action and Pattern Logic to stand in inquiry as we make sense of the world and take our next wise actions.
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