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Collaborate to Create Community
In preparing for a future we can neither predict nor control, we are striving to create a generative, resilient community of individuals, groups, communities, and organizations. In HSD-informed terms,  a generative, resilient community can be characterized by a set of three over-arching patterns of engagement and action that “transform turbulence and uncertainty into possibility for all.”
Collaborate to Create Community
For the past week, I've been visiting friends, colleagues, and potential partners in Delhi. This has proven to be an intense experience of one of the HSD simple rules "teach and learn in every interaction." I leave with a profound sense of respect for people who see opportunity emerging from challenge, consensus emerging from diversity, and actual change emerging from the potential of hope and passion.
It is six o’clock in the morning, and your teenage son is not home yet. Your doctor calls you in after a routine exam. There is a natural disaster near the home of friends or relatives on the other side of town, the nation, or the globe. It is your turn to make a presentation to the executive committee. New legislation or regulations for your industry are in the making. Even as I write these sentences, I am aware of tension in my shoulders and butterflies in my stomach. How do you feel as you read them?
Lead in Complexity
December 1, 2016 What is the pattern you want to create in your life? Who will you be to create this pattern? What is important to you that informs the pattern? How will you connect with others to make the pattern come to life? These key questions will set you on your own radical inquiry. You will discover your power to shape patterns for yourself and all your communities. This simple, creative process is easy to learn and simple to share with others. Come and harvest the power in your emerging patterns of possibility.
Plan in Uncertainty
November 3, 2016 Certainty and control frame thought and action in the global north and west.
Build Adaptive Capacity
What do falling in love, a summer thunderstorm, and an election have in common? They are all turbulence in search of resolution. What is turbulence, and why would Ramsey Clark call it an opportunity? The dynamics of complex adaptive systems can answer these questions and generate other questions to help you love the turbulence you are in. 
Build Adaptive Capacity
As I watered my plants today, I marveled again at their regenerative power. All they need is dirt, water, and sun, and they get bigger and healthier over time. Some of them don’t even need dirt, but that is a different story. Even the orchid, who holds back for months, surprises with blossoms when I least expect it.
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