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313 Results
Teaching & LearningBuild Adaptive Capacity
You live and work in turbulent times. You face wide-ranging change in many areas. Increasing contact with diverse individuals brings new perspectives. Decisions grow more difficult. Underlying dynamics create massive interdependencies. Almost every challenge emerges from multiple possible causes. In all parts of your life, you recognize a swirl of uncertainty. The organizations where you work, play, and worship experience uncertainty of membership, funding, and focus.
Plan in Uncertainty
In Human Systems Dynamics Institute, we say, “Nothing is intractable.” We chose that bold statement to express our belief that you can always find an option for action, no matter how difficult the challenge.
GovernmentCollaborate to Create Community
Conflict is described in many ways. I offer here my own description of conflict in three parts: 1) Conflict is where past and future meet, 2) Conflict is learning, 3) Conflict is a complex dynamic. With each part, I offer a link to the elements of HSD thought that best connect with my description, and I provide simple questions to help readers apply the theory in practical ways.
PhilanthropyPlan in Uncertainty
You don't just have a story - you're a story in the making, and you never know what the next chapter's going to be. That's what makes it exciting.                                                                                     Dan Millman
Plan in Uncertainty
“It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him.”                                                                ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit
Teaching & LearningBuild Adaptive Capacity
Business & IndustryPlan in Uncertainty
“The future is already here. It just isn’t equally distributed.”           William Gibson, quoted in The Economist, December 4, 2003
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