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GovernmentManage Strategic Change
Newton’s First Law of Motion:  A body in motion remains in motion and a body at rest remains at rest until acted upon by some unbalanced force.
Build Adaptive Capacity
Systemic coaching extends our interactions with our clients to encompass the broader context and considers the larger system in which we all operate.
Last week the Human Systems Dynamics Institute hosted “Twenty-first Century Facilitation: Find Wisdom in Chaos.” As with all Adaptive Action Labs, we will meet to hold a more formal review. Today, however, I am sharing my more immediate reflections about this Lab. Using the Adaptive Action format makes this a simple, logical practice that keeps me focused on what’s important. I don’t get lost in the details or drama. Here’s how it works.
We all deal with conflict, whether we like it or not. There are many ways to work through a difficult conversation, or find a settlement in negotiation. Some outcomes are more sustainable and satisfactory than others. The difference is in how you approach each conversation, and how you present yourself and the situation to others involved.
What happened to the civil public discourse we knew in the last century? It has gone the way of the buggy whip, and I am glad. The conditions for that polite engagement were simple: Privileged people talked to other privileged people about things they held in common. The rules were clear, the membership was limited, and the conversation remained in the hands of those with power and money.
Build Adaptive Capacity
Usually I groan when yet another sports analogy is used to explain an insight about complex human systems. Don’t get me wrong. I love sports and spent the better part of my teenage years in a gym playing basketball. My dad was a football coach, and I love the game.
April 11, 2019 The rules of social action have changed in the chaos of current events. Opportunities for activism toward social change are more prevalent than ever. You can step into a role that influences the patterns of social norms and expectations. When you stand in inquiry, you see clearly how to connect with powerful others and take courageous action. In today’s complex and quickly changing world, there is need and an opportunity for a new generation of activism. Global change is fanned by digital media, broad-ranging connections, and vast diversity. In such a world, activism depends on the ability to see, understand, and influence patterns of interaction and decision making. Individuals and groups that engage in iterative cycles of learning and action are best equipped to bring about changes they seek. In this month’s Live Virtual Workshop, Glenda Eoyang talks about how HSD’s Adaptive Action, Pattern Logic, and inquiry can support you as you change your world.
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