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Health CareBuild Adaptive Capacity
Improving quality treatment and patient experience depends on the access they have to excellent care and the flow they experience moving through the medical system. HSD helps this team improve both.
In HSD we use three characteristics to describe and understand complex adaptive systems: They are open to influence from internal and external forces that may be known or not, predictable or not, and controllable or not. They are highly diverse. They are nonlinear, and what you know from the past and experience today can influence the patterns of your future or not.
Business & IndustryLead in Complexity
The Civil Rights Movement, it wasn't just a couple of, you know, superstars like Martin Luther King. It was thousands and thousands - millions, I should say - of people taking risks, becoming leaders in their community.                                                                          Barbara Ehrenreich
Teaching & LearningBuild Adaptive Capacity
Build Adaptive Capacity
This year’s Live Virtual Workshops are designed to challenge traditional assumptions about how we live, work, and play. In this post and throughout the year, consider how the old assumptions just don’t work in today’s uncertain and turbulent world.
Collaborate to Create Community
In today’s complex and turbulent world, facilitation is less about managing or guiding a conversation. It’s more about standing in inquiry and setting conditions for people to move forward together. It’s a necessary skill if you are in the front of a room, working with a group to move forward. And, it’s just as necessary as you participate in difficult or complex conversations in your day-to-day life.
September 7, 2017 How do you make decisions when your world is changing with the speed of social media, and you are inundated with a world of answers, choices, and other people’s opinions? What do you do when all the “off the shelf” answers are ok, but none of them is really what you are looking for? Do you settle for “just ok?” Do you go ahead and purchase the product and then spend untold resources making it fit your needs? In HSD we help you use Adaptive Action to design responses and interventions that fit the unique nature of your work and your business. We give you what it takes to look at challenges, weigh the options, based on what you see, and take action to move forward. Then you look around to see where that got you and to take the next step. We continue working, looking for what is true in our world and still useful to us, using that to continue to inform and fuel our work. Join us in this LVW to learn to Design When You Can’t Decide.
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