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Build Adaptive Capacity
Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country. —John F. Kennedy
Teaching & LearningCollaborate to Create Community
This is next in a series of blogs where Royce Holladay and Mary Nations explore dynamics of Generative Engagement.
Health CareLead in Complexity
Developed to support the ESMEE course of the same title, this book responds to the four key challenges of medical education today: Lead at the edge of uncertainty Work better together Find the fix that fits Make the good better
Reliability used to be the major measure of success, so we learned to replicate and increase quality by reducing variation. People and processes were rewarded for doing the same thing the same way, just faster. That strength has turned into a dangerous weakness for organizations today.
GovernmentManage Strategic Change
Around the world, groups of all kinds are taking action to improve the environment. International non-governmental institutions, governments at all levels, private industry, and research institutions implement programs to reduce greenhouse gases, increase access to safe water, clean up old chemical dumps, or take many other actions to protect the environment.
Build Adaptive Capacity
I attended my grandson’s wedding last weekend. I would hurry to say that I’m too young to have a grandson getting married (which is true), but more on that later. In the glorious autumn sunshine of Los Angeles, we came together to celebrate the joining of a pair of lives, and all pairs and all lives.
Plan in Uncertainty
Planning is a challenge even in the best of times. But it is a necessary challenge.  A plan helps you align imagination with resources, expectations with realities, and individual concerns with collective good.
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