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GovernmentCollaborate to Create Community
Note: I ask your indulgence for this post. I know we have an international community, and I usually speak to a global audience. Today I make an exception because of the urgency here and the worldwide implications of our current social and political patterns in the USA. Perhaps, by accident, it will be relevant in other domains, as well.
Collaborate to Create Community
In re-reading Emergent Strategy, by Adrienne Maree Brown, Royce was reminded of the way fractal behaviors shape patterns at all scales in human systems. In today’s blog, she reviews the HSD Simple Rules and suggests tools that can be used to help frame and live out the fractals Ms. Brown describes.
Build Adaptive Capacity
Guest author Janice Ryan discusses how she uses ongoing adaptive actions in her occupational therapy practice to empower her clients to strive for fulfillment of their own adaptive potentials. You may learn more about the enhanced neuro-adaptation environments she and others are applying in treatment here.
Inquiry. It is essential to changing the world—for yourself and for the greater good!
Build Adaptive Capacity
Any new paradigm challenges fundamental assumptions and beliefs. Old habits make it difficult to step across the line into new ways to think and act. For 20 years, the HSD community has built bridges from the closed-system paradigms of the past to the open-system opportunities of the future. We have tried our best to be gentle, patient, and subtle in our invitations, but time is running out! The challenges are urgent, and we are impatient! So, we are engaging in two initiatives to break through into the future: Dragons of Complexity and Adaptive Action for Sustainability!
Manage Strategic Change
“Transformation is an ongoing process that tends to appear ordinary, when, in fact, something extraordinary is taking place.” — Suzy Ross
These are unprecedented times, filled with opportunities and challenges. Each of us wants to create a better future, but how?  Every Sunday, the HSD community explores pathways to resilience—for individuals and organizations. These weekly conversations include learning, reflection, and dialogue across our global network. We explore patterns of systemic change that emerge in turbulence and uncertainty. Videos and resources are currently being added.
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