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I encourage people to look for the "difference that makes a difference," but that is much easier to say than to do. Here are some examples of how I have used differences to make a difference in the past couple of weeks.
“It’s supposed to be uncomfortable,” my cycling instructor told me. “That’s how you build muscle. Add a little more tension during each training session,” she continued.
Build Adaptive Capacity
In a complex human system, you can’t be certain of “top-down” control; you may not be able to predict of the future. Your every interaction shapes emergent patterns of behavior and decision making. The world you know is open to known and unknown forces that influence from inside and outside your system’s immediate boundaries.
Build Adaptive Capacity
Glenda H. Eoyang is founding executive director of the Human Systems Dynamics (HSD) Institute. Since 1986 she has pioneered applications of chaos and complexity to improve people's adaptive capacity.
Everyone knows something about human systems dynamics. Anyone who succeeds in business or society knows how to interact with complex human systems.  They are able to see patterns, make sense of them, and choose.
Build Adaptive Capacity
When do the words, “fractals” and “self-reflection” belong in the same sentence? In today’s blog post, Royce talks about using the idea of fractals to create opportunities for reflection and to explore coherence across different areas of her life. Read on to find out how. 
Build Adaptive Capacity
Can three questions really change the world? Well, maybe. Let's think about it for a minute. One thing we know about schools is that nothing stays the same for long.  Each year brings the latest "best practice." Each week brings a new procedure and its paperwork. Each day, our students pose new challenges. Each hour, the media bombards us with news about the latest crisis. What might possibly help us keep our balance as the world shifts beneath us?
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