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Collaborate to Create Community
Generative Engagement sets conditions for people to create mutual learning and transformation. It opens shared space so each person has what they need to participate in and contribute to the full functioning of a whole group. Every generative engagement is unique, because it emerges to fit patterns in the moment. We have found, though, that shared identity, a balance of power and influence, and shared voice are conditions that can usually shape patterns of Generative Engagement.
Patterns have certainly been shifting in the USA! We have stepped from American Carnage to science-based public health policies and borders equally open to people of all faiths. Or have we? We cannot forget that there was armed insurrection in our nation’s capitol and that nearly fifty percent of the American voters didn’t get the president they wanted.  Those patterns are less evident today, but they persist. Our challenge now is to engage with those who are willing and able to engage and to actively defend ourselves from the rest.
Build Adaptive Capacity
Since my last post, things in the US have only gotten worse. Militias in Michigan, COVID in the Whitehouse, wildfires in the West, hurricanes in the South, and dark money in the courts. In spite of all these patterns of destruction, I am beginning to see a different and more constructive path for myself and my community. I have acknowledged the turbulent patterns I cannot change. Now I can search for more useful patterns that are mine to influence. This journey from painful realization to dawning opportunity has not been easy, and it is far from complete. At this turn in the road, though, I want to share some of my emerging insights about our shared, emergent future.
Build Adaptive Capacity
To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science. Albert Einstein
GovernmentManage Strategic Change
In this week's HSD blog, Glenda Eoyang will explore what patterns in complex adaptive systems can teach us about the dangers of uncontrolled self-interest. She will also share some nonviolent ways to protect ourselves and each other from those dangers.
Build Adaptive Capacity
In turbulent times, many variables influence the dynamics of human systems. Today, in Ukraine, we are seeing complex dynamics play out in real time. Our guest blogger this week, HSD Associate Bohdan Yarema, reflects on how global dynamics influence patterns today and tomorrow in his homeland.
Build Adaptive Capacity
In the 21st century, people are looking for ways to build coalitions and partnerships that make a difference in the world. Whether it’s corporate, non-profit, or governmental strategy, organizations and groups are realizing they can’t do it all. The challenges are too big. People, ideas, and needs are too diverse. More traditional ways of working together fall short as more people recognize the urgency of issues we face--climate change, social and economic disparities, ideological differences, globalization, and technological development.
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