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Health CareManage Strategic Change
Fifty-four leaders from across the British Columbia healthcare system have focused on building their adaptive capacity this summer. They are the latest cohort in a Transforming LINX program sponsored by BC Health Leadership Development Collaborative and designed, developed by Human Systems Dynamics Institute


Power used to be simple. It was held by men with wealth or position. That was true when the world was simpler. Boundaries were clear; societies were (or considered themselves to be) homogeneous; and relationships were simple and direct. For some—particularly men with wealth or position—those were the good old days.
A few years ago I was doing some informal coaching as a colleague was going through significant life transitions. She wanted help thinking about possibilities and directions as she stepped into new areas of work.
Lead in Complexity
I spent part of last week at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Vancouver, BC.  I enjoyed seeing old friends and making new ones.  It was particularly interesting to dive—however briefly—into the deep waters of the academy. There was much to learn.
Manage Strategic Change
We learn a great deal from the gifted professionals who come to us as learners.  We learn the most when our programs include Adaptive Action Labs.  In these facilitated sessions, people bring their most wicked issues, learn and apply HSD models and methods, and leave with practical and compelling action plans.
I encourage people to look for the "difference that makes a difference," but that is much easier to say than to do. Here are some examples of how I have used differences to make a difference in the past couple of weeks.
Uncertainty has become a way of life today, on all fronts. Even in the best of situations in your day-to-day life, you stand on the edge of uncertainty. Economic, political, social, and technological forces shape your life in ways you can’t predict or know.
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