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Plan in Uncertainty
“It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him.”                                                                ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit
Build Adaptive Capacity
You facilitate when you help clarify, negotiate, and resolve differences. It can be a formal role when you are charged with leading others to negotiate system differences. On the other hand, facilitation can be informal. It happens anytime you support another person or group to see beyond their current challenge to find wise action.  
PhilanthropyCollaborate to Create Community
We live and work in a world where division, anger, frustration, and fear dominate the public discourse. People want different things. They relate to others in myriad ways. Activities are acceptable to some, but not to others. In the media, it is hard to know fake news from real news or editorial comment. Around the world, people are stuck. Irreconcilable differences seem to dominate the conversation.
Teaching & LearningCollaborate to Create Community
This is the first in a series of blogs where Royce Holladay and Mary Nations explore dynamics of Generative Engagement.
The “attractor” is not the thing that “attracts”. It is the pattern of relationships that emerge over time in a complex system. When I first encountered attractors—strange and other kinds—I thought they were cool. Even more than that, I thought they were the key to the next generation of change paradigms. I still think that may be true, but I seldom talk about them anymore. I almost never teach them because it is so hard to understand them well and very easy to understand them badly. The only reason I am talking about them now is that I cannot think of a better way to explain what I see in this emerging present. So, here goes.
“It turns out that an eerie type of chaos can lurk just behind a facade of order - and yet, deep inside the chaos lurks an even eerier type of order.” The Butterfly Effect is one signature of a system in chaos. This chaos isn’t your garden variety chaos, and you won’t find this butterfly in your garden, either. I feel some urgency to clarify these distinctions when I watch the chaos that lies behind the façade of order, and the order in the chaos, of this election season in the US. I think it might help us to see the patterns of our “civil” society, to understand those patterns for what they are, and to take action to create the ones we want to create and to leave to our children.
At times, it seems like the forces pulling us apart are stronger than the forces binding us together. Argument turns too easily into animosity. Disagreement escalates too quickly into dehumanization.
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