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Lead in Complexity
Engineers know a lot about pressure:  Boyle’s Law, pounds per square inch, and cold fronts that bring thunderstorms in the summer.  You know about pressure, too:  Deadlines, politics, demands, more with less, and forward farther and faster.
Build Adaptive Capacity
Mary Nations, shares a church service she recently helped to design and deliver as they explored the impact of difference and bias. It’s a powerful study of courage in the face of fear and how narratives—spoken, sung, and read—can share the lessons we must learn from the history that’s described in her homily.
You have an important story to tell. Whatever it is, your story is unique to you, and it is your opportunity to share who you are, what you do, and the place you stand in the world. You depend on your story to draw clients and customers to your business; to engage people in your interests; and to call them to action.
Last week, a long-time friend and client shared her frustration with me. “My team is running round in circles.  We think we make progress, then something happens, and we have to start again. Too many things are all changing at the same time. We are working harder than ever, but it seems like we aren’t making any progress. I don’t know how long we can keep it up.”
Collaborate to Create Community
In today’s hurry-up, busy world, how can you be sure you connect with others in your life? In the diversity of your day-to-day experience, how can you listen deeply to those around you to build understanding across differences? How do you interact with those you care the most about to be sure you hear and understand what they communicate?
Build Adaptive Capacity
To see patterns in the world around you is to know your world and to understand something about that world. You make sense of the world by recognizing the patterns around you.
Build Adaptive Capacity
In a complex human system, you can’t be certain of “top-down” control; you may not be able to predict of the future. Your every interaction shapes emergent patterns of behavior and decision making. The world you know is open to known and unknown forces that influence from inside and outside your system’s immediate boundaries.
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