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It is a great day! You have a new job, in a new industry, and a new city. You show up the first day, and from the time you step through the door, you are in a whole new world. You search for the familiar in everything that is new.
PhilanthropyManage Strategic Change
Each shift, no matter how trivial it might seem in the moment, contributes to the growing tension. Over time, tension accumulates, and ultimately it shifts patterns at every level of the human system. Like an avalanche, a lifetime of love, or a violent society, every whole-scale transformation emerges from the many tiny ones that came before.
Build Adaptive Capacity
It’s the New Year, and coaching clients are often focused on new goals and aspirations. Many of my clients are thinking about, planning for, or pursuing new jobs. Questions pile up, and the process can become overwhelming with too many options or too narrowly focused with too few options.
Please use your personal and professional experience to complete the following sentence:
How do you know when you do a good job? Customers are satisfied. You complete on time. The cost is within budget. You meet stated requirements or specifications. You feel proud and satisfied. You get more work of the same kind or better from the same clients or their referrals.
Exploring emergent ideas with a colleague today, I asked for feedback about my perspective. She thought a moment and then said, “It’s not for me to tell you an answer, but I can tell you what I see and what that means to me. Then we can figure out what our next question will be.”
“Agile” is the new buzzword for future success.  Agile teams will innovate.  Agile companies will survive when others fail. Agile individuals will get hired and move up the ladder.
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