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306 Results
Build Adaptive Capacity
In 1925, Mahatma Gandhi described a set of patterns that he believed would destroy us as a society. Those “7 Sins,” as they have come to be called, hold true today. How can we use HSD to help us see, understand, and influence patterns of health and sustainability as we move through the current crisis and work together to shape whatever comes next?
Teaching & LearningCollaborate to Create Community
This is the next in a series of blog articles where Royce Holladay and Mary Nations explore dynamics of Generative Engagement. The specific focus of this piece is to apply an HSD lens to patterns of diversity and engagement.
GovernmentManage Strategic Change
After you have mapped your system—or even parts of your system—many questions will emerge. So what does this map mean? So what can I learn from it?
We always say that HSD is about good questions—the answers are up to you! Of course, that is because every complex system is unique, so the patterns of success will depend on local, immediate circumstances, more than the certainty of some evidence-based answer.
Business & IndustryCollaborate to Create Community
Diversity is everywhere. Yet, in our organizations we sometimes say we want diversity, while we fail to set conditions for it.
GovernmentLead in Complexity
Everyone can be a leader. From the boardroom to the backyard, leadership is in your reach. Regardless of whether or not you have a formal leadership role, you can take action and set conditions for those around you to be successful. Here is how: 1) recognize the leadership opportunities available to you each day, 2) use your ability to influence and take action, and 3) find the tools and tips needed to lead even when the situation is complex.
Teaching & LearningBuild Adaptive Capacity
In this blog, Royce Holladay offers insights about the skills and abilities required in developing adaptive networks that support system-wide collaboration.
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