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28 Results
Build Adaptive Capacity
Gouran Dhawan Lal explores the basics of HSD in an interview with Glenda Eoyang.
At the Alliance for Peacebuilding Conference, held at the US Institute of Peace, Glenda Eoyang joined a panel to explore how systems thinking can inform peacebuilding practice.
Build Adaptive Capacity
Glenda Eoyang explains what you can expect from the HSD Professional Certification Labs.
Teaching & LearningBuild Adaptive Capacity
HSD Associate, Steve Hearsum, shares his experience of the community, science, and practice of HSD.
Adaptive Action is simple, but it isn't always easy. In this short video, Glenda Eoyang explains the fundamentals
Plan in Uncertainty
Uncertainty does not have to paralyze you. Use Adaptive Action to build a path as you walk it.
Collaborate to Create Community
HSD Associate, Louie Gardiner, explains how she uses the Landscape Diagram to build collaborative relationships in a diverse group.
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