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Build Adaptive Capacity
Sim Phei Sunn (known to us as PS) is an HSD Associate, a member of the HSD Institute Board of Directors, an extreme athlete who has completed the Seven Summits and competes often in ultra-distance running. As an experienced officer in the Singapore government, she was recently asked to share her insights from mountain climbing and endurance running that have helped her keep going at work. She has graciously allowed us to re-print her post for our newsletter. Note, please, that while this is written for up-and-coming members of her organization, the principles she shares can be powerful for others, regardless of their place in life.
Build Adaptive Capacity
In turbulent times, many variables influence the dynamics of human systems. Today, in Ukraine, we are seeing complex dynamics play out in real time. Our guest blogger this week, HSD Associate Bohdan Yarema, reflects on how global dynamics influence patterns today and tomorrow in his homeland.
Build Adaptive Capacity
“How do I help other people use the tools and perspectives of human systems dynamics (HSD) if they’ve never heard of it, or if they do not know much about Pattern Logic or complex change?“
Build Adaptive Capacity
Today’s guest blogger is HSD Associate, Janice Ryan. She uses HSD in her personal and professional life in multiple ways. In this blogpost, read about her use of HSD and Adaptive Action in her meditation practice.
Build Adaptive Capacity
Human systems seek coherence, a sweet spot where the parts work together to help the system find productive equilibrium and balance with its environment. We have created a self-assessment to explore seven characteristics that describe coherence in your system.
Build Adaptive Capacity
In today’s world, we navigate widely different perspectives in many areas of our life. For example just consider politics, social perspectives, and economics. If nothing really is intractable, as the HSD tagline says, how can we step into conversations to find ways to move together, in spite of our differences?
Why does change seem so hard? Maybe the reason is simple: While the change pathway or plan can be fairly simple, the actual path of each change is unique.
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