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Teaching & LearningBuild Adaptive Capacity
Great teachers teach students, not content. Since Socrates, wise people have known that learning is not always information transmission.
April 9, 2020 (Rescheduled from April 2) In an unknowable future, how do you calculate risk? How can you even begin to control it?  You don’t. Every action in a complex system opens the door to surprising results and unintended consequences. Some will be pleasant surprises. Others will not be. The only reasonable path is to take action and learn from surprise, both the good and the bad. The HSD Learning Triangle explains how you can transform risk into opportunity for yourself, your team, and your organization.  In this Live Virtual Workshop, join Glenda Eoyang to explore ways the Learning Triangle inform your Adaptive Actions to build Adaptive Capacity for yourself and in your teams.
Collaborate to Create Community
In today’s blog post, Glenda Eoyang shares an experience of personal transformation about seeing the unique miracle that is each person she meets and connecting with that person in humility and sensitive inquiry. She continues to live into that transformation learning more about her own ways of connecting. Now, she invites you to learn from two of the people who helped to set conditions for these new emerging patterns.
October 5, 2023 In times of chaos and confusion, a good question will serve you much better than any answer. Answers shift and deceive, while questions keep you open to learning and adaptation. In this workshop, Glenda explores two powerful practices that will help you and your teams stay in adaptive inquiry. This virtual workshop is for anyone who is ready to thrive in whatever future emerges.
Description To work in complex environments, you and your team must learn continually. It is not enough for individuals to learn for themselves, the team also needs a discipline for learning together. Based on a practice in the US Air Force, we encourage teams to surface their failures and concerns after every significant effort or event. By acknowledging and talking about their experiences, the group can see, understand, and influence patterns to improve performance in their next engagement.
Build Adaptive Capacity
The past year has brought race and racism to the fore in national and global dialogue. Murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and too many others were shocking, but they were no surprise. Health inequities were not created by the pandemic, but they were exacerbated and laid bare. The essential nature of “essential workers,” cascading homelessness, New York Times’ 1619 Project, demonstrations and outrageous police responses, and misery at our southern border have disrupted my comfortable vision of the American community.
Business & IndustryPlan in Uncertainty
We all know how to plan, right? You figure out what you want to do. You map out the steps to get it done. You take those steps. You check to be sure you are finished. Easy! Except in the complexity of real life, you can’t always just march through those steps. Sometimes in the midst of planning you find barriers you never expected. Or you find that you are out of sync with those around you. Or you find that you have a bright and shiny new multi-phased strategic plan that never got implemented. Or you find that the plan you devise has too many gaps or questions left unanswered. It’s frustrating and defeating, and it might make you wonder why you should try to plan at all!
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