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Build Adaptive Capacity
In HSD, we think about resilience as “capacity to adapt and maintain system functioning in the face of the uncertainty and turbulence of complex change.” In this blog post, Royce explores three important lessons we’ve learned in talking with people about their need for and experiences with resilience in recent times.
I count this time of year as a special kind of “new year” that opens possibility for my life-long adventure of learning. Maybe it’s because teaching is in my blood—both parents, a grandmother, and three sisters involved in education and schooling. Maybe it’s because I have spent over 40 years in the annual cycle of public schools. Whatever the reason, this time of the year holds a special appeal to me. Children return to school as teachers prepare for the next months of exploration and learning.
Teaching & Learning
June 2, 2016 There are many great ideas for excellent teaching and learning. From communities of practice to problem-based learning, if you can imagine it, there is an instructional “solution” to match your view. The challenge is that none of these strategies is always the right fit. Each one is excellent for some topics, in some situations, with some learners, but none is fit for all. Explore universal questions that lead to specific answers for unique learners in complex environments.
Build Adaptive Capacity
Mary Nations, shares a church service she recently helped to design and deliver as they explored the impact of difference and bias. It’s a powerful study of courage in the face of fear and how narratives—spoken, sung, and read—can share the lessons we must learn from the history that’s described in her homily.
Build Adaptive Capacity
“How do I help other people use the tools and perspectives of human systems dynamics (HSD) if they’ve never heard of it, or if they do not know much about Pattern Logic or complex change?“
Manage Strategic Change
We learn a great deal from the gifted professionals who come to us as learners.  We learn the most when our programs include Adaptive Action Labs.  In these facilitated sessions, people bring their most wicked issues, learn and apply HSD models and methods, and leave with practical and compelling action plans.
Teaching & Learning
invest many hours and hopes in online communication.  My guess is that you do, too.  Virtual connections open any-time and any-where networks for thinking and action.  They create opportunities for creative engagement with people around the world.
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