As an OD professional, you work with complex human systems all the time. You’re familiar with being asked to plan and deliver outcomes in situations where you know they’re actually unpredictable and emergent, and some of the time you probably succeed.

It’s likely that you have an intuitive sense of how you modify ‘standard’ OD practice to do this successfully. OD is after all a ‘scavenger discipline’ in which many different models and practices are sources of inspiration for what you actually do in the moment.

We often hear from long-time OD practitioners that HSD helps them to articulate their intuitions, providing a language in which they can describe what they do, to themselves and to others, and a practical framework through which to reflect and extend their practice.

In particular, HSD’s emphasis on influencing patterns, rather than solving problems, speaks directly to the uncertain situations in which experienced practitioners increasingly find themselves.

In this one-day session, you’ll be with other OD professionals, experienced and new to the field, who are experiencing similar uncertainties to you.

The combination of in-depth understanding of complexity and sticky problems the programme provides with a set of highly practical simple tools is invaluable! For me, this was the missing piece I needed as an OD consultant supporting clients in leading and creating change in highly complex environments.

Dr. Gillian Shapiro, Managing Director, Shapiro Consulting

Griff Griffiths, the session facilitator, is an independent OD practitioner, a Consulting Associate at the HSD Institute, a graduate of the NTL OD programme. He will help you build a bridge between your OD practice and the theory and practice of HSD.

Whether you coach individuals, develop teams, design organizations, support change, transform cultures, or lead operations, HSD helps you discover new ways to think about and work in complex situations.

You will learn to:

  • Recognize the complex power in your current practice​
  • Explore new approaches to expand your practice
  • Use new tools to support yourself and your clients
  • Join a community of professionals who use and contribute to the field of HSD

Faculty & Coaches

Griff Griffiths, MSc, HSDP
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