Do you wish to understand and work more effectively in complex organizations? Human Systems Dynamics (HSD) builds your adaptive capacity to succeed in a world of complexity and uncertainty. The HSD vision says it all:

People everywhere thrive because we
see patterns clearly,
seek to understand, and
act with courage to
transform turbulence and uncertainty into
possibility for all.

Follow this summerschool and become a Human Systems Dynamics Agent of Change!

We are happy to continue our partnership with Sioo, located in Utrecht, Netherlands. Sioo is the inter-university centre that teaches people and organisations how to be agile in change management and organisational processes. Sioo programs are eclectic and multiple in nature. We always combine different perspectives and never focus on one movement or view. This Summer School is an exception. For a week we will focus on the Human Systems Dynamics (HSD) ideas. The fact that we do this has everything to do with the characteristics of this philosophy, which is already plural in itself. It builds on many other theories and can easily be combined with other theories and models in practice. HSD is a philosophy with open boundaries. Just like the Complex Adaptive Systems it studies.

HSD views all human systems, whether it is a person, a group, organization, network or entire society, as a complex adaptive system. The word complex means that there is a large amount and variety of parts and relationships. Adaptive refers to the self-organizing process within the system that makes the system behavior appropriate to the environment. That behavior is essentially unpredictable, but – according to HSD – you can do your best to understand the system and influence that self-organizing process (a little bit better).

Trading in complexity is “simple, but not easy” (one of the mottos of Glenda Eoyang*). But this week will provide you with space and more than enough insights and action perspectives to get the hang of working in complexity, to be able to work with it in your work practice after this week, and to create movement in your work with more fun and less effort. complex contexts and tasks.

Faculty & Coaches

Glenda Eoyang, PhD, HSDP
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