Thursday, November 21 – Thursday, May 15, 2025
Roffey Park Institute, Horsham, West Sussex, UK

The world is getting smaller every day, but issues seem larger and more complex. It can feel like the chaos is bigger than you are. You need powerful (but simple) solutions.

Now is the time to embark on your HSD learning journey and reinvent yourself as a 21st century agent of change. Join us in face-to-face and online learning.

You will build your ability to:

  • Lead in Complexity
  • Build Adaptive Capacity
  • Plan in Uncertainty
  • Manage Complex Change
  • Collaborate to Create Community

The HSD Professional Certification provides:

  • Five days of face-to-face learning
  • Four months of online engagement and practice
  • Direct interaction with Glenda Eoyang, PhD, founder of the field of HSD
  • A vibrant, online learning ecology of live webinars, forums, resources, dialogues, and social media
  • The opportunity to create change as you blend state-of-the-art HSD theory with your own on-the-ground, real-world practice
  • Creating change as you blend state-of-the-art HSD theory with your own on-the-ground, real-world practice
  • Collaboration with your learning group and your HSD-Certified Praxis Partner as you build your own unique approach
  • Seeing, understanding, and influencing patterns toward health and well-being for yourself and others
  • Lifetime membership in the HSD Associate Network

Who is this program for?

HSD Professional Certification is aimed at anyone with the responsibility of leading change, such as:

  • Chief Executives
  • HR Professionals
  • Organisational Change agents
  • Consultants
  • OD practitioners

Faculty & Coaches

Glenda Eoyang, PhD, HSDP
Griff Griffiths, MSc, HSDP
Join a global network of learning about HSD!
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