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November 3, 2022
Native American stories distinguish “mouse eyes” and “eagle eyes.” Like other tensions in cultural wisdoms, both of these perspectives are rich with possibility. Each one also comes with risks and challenges. If you make mouse eyes a habit, then you miss the rich context and long-range interactions. If you always play the eagle, you will miss glorious details of the moment.
When we are swamped by our problems, we tend to get stuck with the mouse. We face complexities of life every day. We experience a challenge or face a barrier and take the steps we believe will get us past that problem. Rarely do we step back to look at the larger patterns through the eyes of the eagle. Eagle eyes will help us understand the dynamics of our problems and see our complicity in their origins. While many mouse-level surprises are beyond our control, some of them we can see, understand, and influence from the eagle’s view.
Join Glenda Eoyang to consider how to use HSD to see from both perspectives and turn problems we can’t solve into patterns we can influence.
Collaborate to Create Community
In re-reading Emergent Strategy, by Adrienne Maree Brown, Royce was reminded of the way fractal behaviors shape patterns at all scales in human systems. In today’s blog, she reviews the HSD Simple Rules and suggests tools that can be used to help frame and live out the fractals Ms. Brown describes.
October 6, 2022
We are connected to others in massively entangled networks of family, friendship, community, work, and social or political groups. These connections satisfy our social, intellectual, physical, and emotional needs. Often, however, we don’t recognize or leverage the potential of these networks. In today’s world, traditional networks are becoming less connected and new ones are emerging. These changing patterns matter because robust connections determine the strength of our responses in complex and unpredictable situations. Connections allows us to reach out, to build reciprocal relationships, to give and get access to limited resources. This is a moment of possibility, as new networks emerge and old ones disappear. We can choose to build or maintain connections that empower us and connect us in networks of mutual support.
In this LVW, Glenda shares insights about establishing robust systems. Learn what it takes to build powerful connections that help reduce existential risks of living in today’s complex world.
Build Adaptive Capacity
In HSD, we think about resilience as “capacity to adapt and maintain system functioning in the face of the uncertainty and turbulence of complex change.” In this blog post, Royce explores three important lessons we’ve learned in talking with people about their need for and experiences with resilience in recent times.
Build Adaptive Capacity
HSD Associate, Leslie Patterson writes about responding to the complex challenges in life in the same way people deal with chronic illness. She sees this as a roadmap for building resilience at all scales. Her story in a powerful lesson in learning from life.
September 1, 2022
Power of privilege shows up when people have the position, resources, and respect to take action for their own benefit. Power of possibility shows up when people use their stories, relationships, and personal identities to influence systems for themselves and others.
Royce Holladay talks in this LVW about what might happen if we began to see and respond to such patterns with empathy and awareness. Learn about the Generative Engagement model and use it to take informed action to navigate differences that separate us today.
Build Adaptive Capacity
The HSD Vision is an aspirational description of future patterns where people use HSD to see, understand, and influence the world around them. Royce Holladay, HSD Institute Director of Services, explains who the “we” refers to in the vision statement. She describes how it takes each of us to set conditions for this pattern’s ultimate manifestation in reality.
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