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Build Adaptive Capacity
Today’s guest blogger is HSD Associate, Janice Ryan. She uses HSD in her personal and professional life in multiple ways. In this blogpost, read about her use of HSD and Adaptive Action in her meditation practice.
Build Adaptive Capacity
Human systems seek coherence, a sweet spot where the parts work together to help the system find productive equilibrium and balance with its environment. We have created a self-assessment to explore seven characteristics that describe coherence in your system.
June 2, 2022 You deal with complexity and uncertainty that are inherent in today’s landscape. You live and work in an interdependent world where cause-effect relationships are unclear. You can’t plan effectively for the future. Powerful forces beyond your understanding shape your day-to-day existence. Traditional ways of being, knowing, and doing emerged to cope in simpler times, but they are not so useful today. You need capacity to thrive in such an unpredictable world. HSD offers a powerful path to build Adaptive Capacity you need to thrive in the world of today and tomorrow. Adaptive Capacity is the ability and willingness to engage with the world and stay resilient in the face of persistent change. Watch this month’s LVW to learn about the theory and practice of Adaptive Capacity. Leave with skills and tools to build your Adaptive Capacity to thrive in the future, whatever it brings. Watch the Workshop
Build Adaptive Capacity
In today’s world, we navigate widely different perspectives in many areas of our life. For example just consider politics, social perspectives, and economics. If nothing really is intractable, as the HSD tagline says, how can we step into conversations to find ways to move together, in spite of our differences?
Why does change seem so hard? Maybe the reason is simple: While the change pathway or plan can be fairly simple, the actual path of each change is unique.
May 5, 2022 Two things sustain a complex system: Similarity and difference. The similarity holds the system together with coherence and identity. Difference introduces the potential energy of tension and possibility. Most tools of applied social sciences focus on “common ground.”  Similarity becomes the platform for building a shared future. We avoid difference. We fear it because we don’t know how to capture and channel its power. In HSD, we recognize difference as a source of energy. It is the driver of change. It is the root for learning and growth. It is full of promise and possibility—if we just let ourselves use it. In this LVW, Glenda Eoyang shares tools from HSD to help us recognize and leverage the possibility in difference. Bring your most wicked issues and leave with a plan to see and leverage the possibilities that hide in the differences you dread.
Build Adaptive Capacity
There is no one HSD model that fits any given question or issue. Choosing the most helpful tool depends on the context of the situation, the people involved, and the choice of the person who is looking for help. In today’s blog post, Royce explores this idea applying four HSD models to each of the practices of Inquiry.
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