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February 2, 2024 In turbulent and unpredictable situations, alignment is not enough. Individuals need to be free to respond to local intelligence and immediate context. They also need to contribute to the coherent, systemic patterns of culture and productivity. How can communities and organizations offer the greatest individual freedom and maximum coherence? Two principles of Pattern Logic generate coherent sense-making and action-taking for individuals and groups: Generative Vision and Simple Rules. A Generative Vision captures the “what” of an aspirational future, but it also supports local, immediate action to create that future. The HSD vision is an example of such a Generative Vision. Simple Rules, on the other hand, provide the “how” of an emerging future. This workshop explores the theory and practice of these principles across all complex natural and human systems. It presents the power and possibility of the HSD Generative Vision and Simple Rules for our community. Finally, it introduces a year-long exploration into the foundations of HSD and the people and institutions who practice it.
Build Adaptive Capacity
“The horizon leans forward, offering you space to place new steps of change.”                                            ~Maya Angelou, poet, memoirist, actress
Build Adaptive Capacity
Learning HSD challenges your habits of THOUGHT, while it confirms and expands your patterns of intuition and habits of ACTION . . . and there be Dragons!
December 7, 2023 Three conditions influence the path, speed, and outcome of self-organizing processes. When you see the three conditions, you can understand the current patterns as they emerge at any level of human experience. When you understand the patterns, you can take action to alter the conditions. When you alter the conditions, you shift the pattern as it emerges.  This Live Virtual Workshop is a master class in using the CDE Model to see, understand, and influence the complex contexts in which you work and play.
Build Adaptive Capacity
In today’s complex and fast-moving landscape, we need tools to help us imagine new, unique responses in each new challenge. We hear from clients and participants in our courses that HSD models and methods help them do that.
Build Adaptive Capacity
What’s the hidden challenge to changing patterns? In a year-long Adaptive Action project, we are exploring that question. Wonder what you might think about it?
November 2, 2023 We all know a simple, structured process for making decisions. We also know when and how that process fails. The simple step-by-step falls apart when change is fast, information is unreliable, and perspectives are multiple. In the 1990s decision scientists named the “garbage can” approach to explain the real world of decision making in action, but this random approach is not fast or robust enough to respond to challenges today or tomorrow.  HSD acknowledges the complex and emergent dynamics of decision making and provides a tool to help make it explicit and reasonable. This session introduces the Decision Map and gives you a chance to practice using it on your own most wicked challenges, whether you are new to HSD or have been using HSD at home, at work, or at play.
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