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Build Adaptive Capacity
In human systems dynamics (HSD), we define narrative as the essential message that sets forth patterns of discourse, decision making, and action for individuals, families, communities, organizations, and institutions. A clear narrative informs action to help create a path through uncertain and turbulent times. Read how the HSD narrative helped us navigate the challenges of lockdown and re-emergence in the times of the COVID-19 pandemic.
June 17, 2021 Members of the HSD Community met and presented ways they use HSD in their homes, workplaces, and communities. This 90-minute event highlights and celebrates the patterns of diverse applications and deep innovation that members of the Community are creating in the world.
June 3, 2021 In these days of change at the speed of thought and complexity you cannot see through, what can you do to connect to share your story. Whether your storytelling is to market an idea, to collaborate for innovation, or just to connect with those around you, stories can be powerful tools. And we know stories that talk about action and impact make the greatest differences. HSD offers an understanding of narrative that helps you create useful and compelling stories. Reflect what’s really happening Show that you hear and respond to others’ stories Can make the biggest differences Learn more about our approach to creating narratives that can invite others in, make them feel comfortable, and engage them in deep and meaningful dialogue.
Build Adaptive Capacity
Your story—your narrative—is your bridge between experience and action. It works like this:
May 6, 2021 What do you do when you cannot see what’s coming at you? In today’s turbulent and unpredictable landscape, you often are asked to make decisions about a future you can neither control nor predict. So, what can you do to step into such a charge with any sense of efficacy or confidence? In these times, it’s so important to maintain perspectives at both scales. What impact will my actions have at the larger picture or scale? What will this action trigger on a more local perspective? Given what I can see in the larger picture and in the smaller picture, what action will be most useful at this moment? Watch this Live Virtual Workshop to explore your options for taking action when you can’t see what’s coming, but you can see both the trees right in front of you and you know the forest that surrounds you.
Build Adaptive Capacity
To thrive in complexity you have to adapt—quickly and often! You can’t afford to wait for deep analysis or complete data. You don’t have time to take things apart, fix each piece, and put them back together. Even if you could, complex systems are massively entangled and emergent, so fixing parts may not fix the whole.
Build Adaptive Capacity
Facilitation has outgrown its traditional image. It’s no longer about an individual at the front of the room guiding a group of people through processes. It’s no longer just about decision making, conflict resolution, or team building. Many factors in today’s world have brought a new look to the role of facilitation.
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