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April 1, 2021 We live and work in a highly diverse world. Age, experience, expectations, roles, relationships, backgrounds, accountabilities, responsibilities—These differences often stand out in the milieu of the many, many differences that are woven into the fabric of our days in our communities and in our work.
Build Adaptive Capacity
The past year has brought race and racism to the fore in national and global dialogue. Murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and too many others were shocking, but they were no surprise. Health inequities were not created by the pandemic, but they were exacerbated and laid bare. The essential nature of “essential workers,” cascading homelessness, New York Times’ 1619 Project, demonstrations and outrageous police responses, and misery at our southern border have disrupted my comfortable vision of the American community.
March 18, 2021 Members of the HSD Community met and presented ways they use HSD in their homes, workplaces, and communities. This 90-minute event highlights and celebrates the patterns of diverse applications and deep innovation that members of the Community are creating in the world.
March 4, 2021 In today’s world, you can’t always know what’s next. In fact, sometimes, given the complexity of our world, you can’t even know much about what’s now! At any given moment, about all you can see is this moment. All you can explore is what you know. How do you learn to question what you can’t see and find out more about what you don’t know? How can you use the HSD’s practices of inquiry? Ask questions that help you see into the dynamics of the world around you Engage others in individual and group inquiries using these perspectives Experience the benefits of engaging in inquiry in today’s turbulent and uncertain landscape Join us to explore this new way of stepping into questions that open a world of possibility to you. In human systems dynamics, we learn to stand in inquiry to see patterns clearly, seek to understand, and act with courage in the face of uncertainty and turbulence.
Collaborate to Create Community
In preparing for a future we can neither predict nor control, we are striving to create a generative, resilient community of individuals, groups, communities, and organizations. In HSD-informed terms,  a generative, resilient community can be characterized by a set of three over-arching patterns of engagement and action that “transform turbulence and uncertainty into possibility for all.”
GovernmentCollaborate to Create Community
Democracy, even in the best of times, is a wicked Issue. It has multiple causes, but no root cause. It affects every level of experience, from individual to national concerns. It can be “fixed,” but no fix is permanent. Like other wicked issues, we can influence democracy, but we cannot “solve” it.
February 4, 2021 The problem? The world is changing quickly at home, in your work, and throughout your community. Because of the complexity of the world around you, the changes you face are generally unpredictable, often surprising, and sometimes turbulent. The challenge you face is functioning in such a world. How do you do what needs to be done? Respond rather than react Plan for a future you cannot predict or control Find ways you and others can move forward in adaptive and creative ways. HSD offers a vision for living, working, and playing in the midst of uncertainty: People everywhere thrive because we see patterns clearly, seek to understand, and act with courage to turn turbulence and uncertainty into possibility for all.
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