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Build Adaptive Capacity
People everywhere thrive because we see patterns clearly, seek to understand, and act with courage to transform turbulence and uncertainty into possibility for all.
Patterns have certainly been shifting in the USA! We have stepped from American Carnage to science-based public health policies and borders equally open to people of all faiths. Or have we? We cannot forget that there was armed insurrection in our nation’s capitol and that nearly fifty percent of the American voters didn’t get the president they wanted.  Those patterns are less evident today, but they persist. Our challenge now is to engage with those who are willing and able to engage and to actively defend ourselves from the rest.
December 3, 2020 Meditation is an ancient practice with powerful implications for our uncertain future. Deep awareness is a key to seeing patterns in complexity, understanding a range of options, and finding freedom and courage to act. This session will explore the intersections between mindfulness and HSD to help inform your adaptive capacity and prepare for the New Year to come.
This is Thanksgiving week in the US. The holiday has many histories. For most it is a time of family connection, for others is it an extraordinary shopping opportunity or a colonial assault. This year, Thanksgiving is special to us. Fires, storms, hunger, racial violence, political upheaval, illness, homelessness, and grief wrap the world in a blanket of mourning. Still, many of us have health and home. Healthy babies were born (Welcome to the world, John David!). Some of us even got a stock market bonus this week. One gift of 2020 is that it has helped us see the raging inequities in our society. So, for those of us who are able, I invite us into a thanksGIVING this weekend.
Health CareBuild Adaptive Capacity
Improving quality treatment and patient experience depends on the access they have to excellent care and the flow they experience moving through the medical system. HSD helps this team improve both.
Build Adaptive Capacity
You have questions about living in a world of COVID—and there are no real answers. HSD offers questions to explore the unknowns that challenge us.
November 5, 2020 Some people find meaning in the daily rush of information. They can focus and concentrate. They find the needles in haystacks and diamonds in the rough. While some people have a gift for meaning making and seeing the bigger picture. Either is an asset, but the latter is less understood in today’s complex system of big data, conflicting perspectives, and competing tensions. In this session, learn tools and techniques as you navigate your way to meaning in a sea of data.
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