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Teaching & LearningCollaborate to Create Community
This is the next in a series of blog articles where Royce Holladay and Mary Nations explore dynamics of Generative Engagement. The specific focus of this piece is to apply an HSD lens to patterns of diversity and engagement.
Teaching & LearningCollaborate to Create Community
This is the next in a series of blog articles where Royce Holladay and Mary Nations explore dynamics of Generative Engagement. Today we use an HSD lens to understand culture as patterns, and give a look at how you can create and shape a culture of generative engagement.
Teaching & LearningCollaborate to Create Community
This is next in a series of blogs where Royce Holladay and Mary Nations explore dynamics of Generative Engagement.
Teaching & LearningCollaborate to Create Community
This is the third in a series of blogs where Royce Holladay and Mary Nations explore the dynamics of Generative Engagement. In last week’s blog, I explored a set of conditions that Mary and I believe can shape system-wide patterns of purposeful, meaningful dialogue; productivity across differences; and highly adaptive relationships. This week I want to share some thoughts we have had about what can happen if those conditions get out of balance with each other or when any of the conditions exclude individuals or groups in the system. As you read, consider how you see each situation play out in the systems where you live, work, and play.
June 15, 2017 Join us as we listen to three of our HSD Professionals share their HSD stories about how they use HSD principles, models, and methods to change their worlds every day.
Teaching & LearningCollaborate to Create Community
This is the second in a series of blogs where Royce Holladay and Mary Nations explore the dynamics of Generative Engagement. In today’s blog, Royce and Mary invite you to explore specific system-wide patterns that they believe will emerge across a system that set conditions of shared identity, shared power, and shared voice.
June 8, 2017 Look out your window. Whatever your vista, even at its most peaceful, there is constant change and response, and tension and activity. You’re aware that the patterns you see out your window are shaped by all that goes on under the surface. In HSD, we use Pattern Logic, to help us explore those patterns in human systems to understand the dynamics that shape our world. That understanding inform our actions as we influence those patterns toward greater resilience and coherence.
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