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At times, it seems like the forces pulling us apart are stronger than the forces binding us together. Argument turns too easily into animosity. Disagreement escalates too quickly into dehumanization.
Not too long ago, I was disgruntled with the company that does some work around our house. From my perspective, they had not lived up to their promises, and as a customer I was not happy. Then when I tried to talk with them about the difference between what I expected and what I believed I was getting, they did not respond as I wanted them to.
We all deal with conflict, whether we like it or not. There are many ways to work through a difficult conversation, or find a settlement in negotiation. Some outcomes are more sustainable and satisfactory than others. The difference is in how you approach each conversation, and how you present yourself and the situation to others involved.
Collaborate to Create Community
Peace emerges over time when individuals and groups follow a short list of Simple Rules.
June 16, 2016 Glenda Eoyang talks about the "Next Generation of HSD" and shares a new suite of illustrations for HSD-based models and methods. She also announces the Adaptive Action Laboratories, the new instructional/experiential offering from HSD Institute. David Harris discusses his use of HSD to respond to challenging questions. Anne Lemair talks about using Radical Inquiry and being present to dynamical systems as she guides a walking tour in her community. Renae Rebechini talks about her use of HSD to support negotiations in a school district as they attempt to heal after a painful strike in their last trip to the table. Judy Oakden discusses her use of Simple Rules to generate evaluation rubrics.
Please use your personal and professional experience to complete the following sentence:
Recently I had an experience that reinforced for me the importance of understanding the differences between finite and infinite games when we consider our roles in establishing and sharing relationship with others.
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