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Teaching & Learning
June 2, 2016 There are many great ideas for excellent teaching and learning. From communities of practice to problem-based learning, if you can imagine it, there is an instructional “solution” to match your view. The challenge is that none of these strategies is always the right fit. Each one is excellent for some topics, in some situations, with some learners, but none is fit for all. Explore universal questions that lead to specific answers for unique learners in complex environments.
“It’s supposed to be uncomfortable,” my cycling instructor told me. “That’s how you build muscle. Add a little more tension during each training session,” she continued.
It is a great day! You have a new job, in a new industry, and a new city. You show up the first day, and from the time you step through the door, you are in a whole new world. You search for the familiar in everything that is new.
Lead in Complexity
Interdependent Pairs is a model and method that allows individuals and groups to explore the paradoxes that emerge from the complexity in their systems. In a complex system, there is very little that is all or nothing. The challenges that have you stuck are the ones where there is no clear one-way consideration. The stickiness of your issues comes because you move on shifting landscapes between the extreme positions on the questions you face.
Collaborate to Create Community
Generative Engagement sets conditions for people to create mutual learning and transformation. It opens shared space so each person has what they need to participate in and contribute to the full functioning of a whole group. Every generative engagement is unique, because it emerges to fit patterns in the moment. We have found, though, that shared identity, a balance of power and influence, and shared voice are conditions that can usually shape patterns of Generative Engagement.
Four Truths help you understand different perspectives that influence individual and group action. When you recognize and consider the possible perspectives in any situation, you are better able to navigate the differences that limit open dialogue and free action. The Four Truths, as a model and a method, provides you a way to consider multiple perspectives and then identify the one that is best fit to your purpose.
Collaborate to Create Community
Conflict Circles allow you to build coherence between and among parts of the system. We have adapted this model from the work of Landmark Education to support engagement across differences to help clarify perspectives and assumptions. That level of clarity clears the way for open, productive dialogue and work.
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