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In the world of human systems dynamics, understanding is important, but it is not enough. We strive to see patterns clearly and to understand them. The ultimate goal, however, is to transform current patterns into possibilities for the future. In times like these, the journey from seeing to acting is not easy. My last two posts have told the story of my journey as I strive to transform the turbulence and uncertainty I see in US politics toward something more sustainable and equitable. As we approach Election Day, it is time for the NOW WHAT?
Build Adaptive Capacity
Since my last post, things in the US have only gotten worse. Militias in Michigan, COVID in the Whitehouse, wildfires in the West, hurricanes in the South, and dark money in the courts. In spite of all these patterns of destruction, I am beginning to see a different and more constructive path for myself and my community. I have acknowledged the turbulent patterns I cannot change. Now I can search for more useful patterns that are mine to influence. This journey from painful realization to dawning opportunity has not been easy, and it is far from complete. At this turn in the road, though, I want to share some of my emerging insights about our shared, emergent future.
October 1, 2020 Complex change cannot be predicted or controlled. It comes in bursts amid long periods of stillness and silence. It happens for individuals, groups, or whole communities in different ways and at different times. It brings unintended consequences and wonderful surprises. In this session, we will explore the hows and whys of complex change and share some fundamental tools to see, understand, and influence it.
GovernmentCollaborate to Create Community
Note: I ask your indulgence for this post. I know we have an international community, and I usually speak to a global audience. Today I make an exception because of the urgency here and the worldwide implications of our current social and political patterns in the USA. Perhaps, by accident, it will be relevant in other domains, as well.
September 17, 2020 We continued our discussion of next steps for the HSD community, by sharing the self-organizing efforts going on around the globe.
September 3, 2020 Every complex system sits on top of irresolvable tensions:  speed and quality; identity and flexibility; tradition and innovation; centralized and distributed; and many more. We used to manage these tensions by tradeoffs and compromise, but that didn’t always work. As uncertainty and complexity grow, those tactics lose even more of their power. Instead, HSD helps you embrace underlying tensions to generate energy and opportunity. In this session, learn to use Interdependent Pairs to transform your dilemmas into possibilities. 
Build Adaptive Capacity
Every day we experience tensions that are driven by the diversity of our complex lives. What are those tensions, and where do they come from?
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