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March 5, 2020 You know your world is complex. It is easy to get overwhelmed and confused in the face of growing demands, shrinking resources, fluid boundaries, and invisible connection. Pattern Logic helps you see through the confusion into the deep dynamics that shape the complexity you face. Adaptive Action helps you act on what you see. When used together, these powerful tools reveal the simplicity that moves you through even in the most complex situations. Join this session to build your capacity to see and take action to influence the simple on the other side of the complex.
Build Adaptive Capacity
The first rule for getting unstuck is, “Don’t tell yourself not to panic!” It is a waste of time because you’re going to panic anyway. Besides, sometimes a little panic can be a very useful thing. When that is behind you, go to Step 1.
February 6, 2020 The emerging Age of Uncertainty requires a new kind of leader. Personal transformation, emotional intelligence, and clarity of vision will always be important. Future leaders need more. In the uncertain days to come, success for leaders will be shaped by many factors: Systemic intelligence Pattern recognition Tolerance for risk and ambiguity Humility Creative storytelling Inquiry In this Live Virtual Workshop, Eoyang explores paradoxes and possibilities of leading into the unknown. Join her to consider this new paradigm.
Plan in Uncertainty
One of my clients has discovered that great leaders have multiple personalities. They manage budgets and smooth feathers. They tell today’s stories and feed tomorrow’s visions. They plan and execute; reinforce and correct; encourage and challenge; create stability and manage change; hire and fire; and in their spare time, they do everything in between.
Build Adaptive Capacity
Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country. —John F. Kennedy
In this time of giving thanks, we want to extend our deepest gratitude for a year full of learning and growth. 2019 has been exciting for the Human Systems Dynamics Institute and the HSD Community of Praxis. We engaged in Strategic Foresight to explore HSD’s future and impact on the world in 2051. Thanks to all who have, and those who will, join us on this journey.
Build Adaptive Capacity
I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it. —Pablo Picasso                                                                                                    
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