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Adaptive Action is an iterative, deceptively simple planning process that allows you to move forward in uncertainty. When you feel like you cannot move forward because you don't know what to do, you can always use Adaptive Action to identify your next wise action.
Collaborate to Create Community
Simple Rules are the agreed-upon guides that inform behavior and interactions among members of a Complex Adaptive System. Whether by conscious agreement or by unspoken assent, members of a CAS appear to engage with each other according to a short list of simple rules. Those Simple Rules shape the conditions that characterize the dominant patterns of the system.
The Landscape Diagram demonstrates the impact of constraints on a system. It gives you a “map” or picture of how those constraints influence patterns of stability, activity, and decision making across the whole system.
Build Adaptive Capacity
May 12, 2016 In a world of surprise and rapid change, innovation becomes a survival strategy. Successful groups continually create new solutions to emerging challenges.  When you can see patterns beyond your own bias and understand them from multiple perspectives, you are prepared to take courageous action to create the future you choose for yourself and others.
Business & IndustryBuild Adaptive Capacity
In  a system-wide training course in a national health care organization, one of the HSD Adaptive Action Labs includes HSD-based coaching sessions with individual participants between residential sessions that periodically brought them together for in-person learning.
What happened to the civil public discourse we knew in the last century? It has gone the way of the buggy whip, and I am glad. The conditions for that polite engagement were simple: Privileged people talked to other privileged people about things they held in common. The rules were clear, the membership was limited, and the conversation remained in the hands of those with power and money.
Business & IndustryCollaborate to Create Community
Ten years ago, the business world couldnt stop talking about teams. (Remember all those slightly cheesy posters that showed rowers rowing in perfect sync or maybe just close-ups of interlocked hands?)
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