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Manage Strategic Change
September 4, 2014 Glenda Eoyang talks about using HSD to design events. What? are the conditions for self-organizing, and how does your practice influence them? So what? are the effects of those conditions on meetings and events? Now what? planning template will help you set conditions for your next meeting or event?
Human systems are complex and adaptive. They are open to multiple forces that interact in unpredictable and interdependent ways to shape patterns of interaction and decision making. At any moment the number of differences in the system is infinite.
Build Adaptive Capacity
Gouran Dhawan Lal explores the basics of HSD in an interview with Glenda Eoyang.
Teaching & LearningPlan in Uncertainty
August 7, 2014 Glenda Eoyang engages attendees in a conversation about the future design of the HSDP training. What? are challenging patterns for trainers and learners in today's complex environment? So what? are possible design solutions for HSDP 2014? Now what? are the questions that will guide the 2015 design?
Global reach, massive diversity, fast pace of change, interconnection, interdependence, unintended consequences, surprise, disruption . . . How many ways can we describe the unpredictability and confusion we face today?
Manage Strategic Change
In HSD we believe that the tension in a system is what drives its decision making and action taking. For instance, individuals take action to relieve or shift tension as it builds in response to events around them. Harsh feedback creates tension as an individual balances that against a personal desire to perform well.
Teaching & Learning
invest many hours and hopes in online communication.  My guess is that you do, too.  Virtual connections open any-time and any-where networks for thinking and action.  They create opportunities for creative engagement with people around the world.
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