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Build Adaptive Capacity
Scholars and practitioners around the world use the word complex when they talk about things they cannot control or understand. At one level, this can be useful, but it can also be confusing.
Build Adaptive Capacity
Business & IndustryBuild Adaptive Capacity
Manage Strategic Change
Most change consulting plans for single process of transition. Some look at change over a period of time, but few of them account for the kind of complex change that emerges in a dynamical system.
Business & IndustryLead in Complexity
Competition assumes a finite game with winners and losers. And, that is great when the game is winnable.
Teaching & LearningCollaborate to Create Community
This extract from Eoyang's dissertation gives the foundation for the CDE Model of Conditions for Self-Organizing in Human Systems.
Plan in Uncertainty
Traditional strategic planning requires that you predict what will happen and make a plan to control how the future unfolds.
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